An ode to our fine agave farmers, the Jimador’s Mule features our mellow Reposado and flavors rooted in the warm Jalisco highlands.
From straight sippin’ to spiking your sweet tea, keep it smooth with Dos Primos Tequila.
Straight from the cantina, this cocktail mixes our Smooth Blanco tequila with vibrant Mexican tradition. Best when shared.
No-nonsense Blanco and ripe fruit make this cocktail approachable for even the toughest tequila drinkers out there.
A southern-inspired sparkly marg for fancy folk, or unfancy folks feelin’ fancy.
Perfect for the campfire.
Like a cool breeze in the heat of summer, this one couldn’t come at a better time.
Reposado tequila, pumpkin and spices come together in this cocktail inspired by autumn leaves and cool night air.
Green as the tall summer grass, the Verde Margarita features our bright Blanco and a handful of fresh flavors that call to mind peaceful days in the countryside.
Whether you’re unwinding after a long day or gearing up for a night out, our Reposado margarita is happy to oblige.